Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Improving Image Quality with Imagemagick in Linux

I have stuck with tuning the quality of image when converting from pdf2image using Imagemagick opensource software.

After a long research I found the solution.

I have used the "density" for tuning the quality of the image, but it will increase the image size, width and height.

While converting the image the default density will be set to 72, so we can increase as per our need to tune the quality of the image.

But if we increase the density, the performance will get slower. (Best the quality, slower the converting performance)

Command to do in linux: Convert -density 100

You can play around by changing the density value from 72 to 600.

Hope you have achived the quality of image you have required.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Open Source/Free Software to Convert Pdf 2 Image

I was searching for nearly 2 days to find this open source to convert the pdf to images.

It was Quite Interesting to do R & D and find the Solution.

The open source is "ImageMagicK"

Its available in windows and Linux.

I have used for Linux version.

Steps to Install in Linux.

Just you need to give yum install imagemagick, it will take bit of time, then once its installed
you need to download MagickWand (

After downloading the required zip, extract it and the go the location of MagicWand folder.

Its inside MagicWand (ie. [root@workgroup MagicWandForPhp-1.0.6]# ] the excute the command line ./configure

So it will get installed.

Then execute the command phpinze.

So now the opensoruce ImageMagick successfully installed in your server.

Now you can excute the command "display" to check.

To convert Pdf2image you can execute "Convert ["pdfname"] ["output image file name"]

If needed you can give the location of input file/out file.

For more info.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Virtual Directory Creation

How to create Virtual Directory in 2 steps?

Step 1: Check for IIS in your System.

Start->Settings->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Internet Information Services.

To create a Virtual Directory we need to have IIS to be installed in our system. If not install it from OS CD.

Step 2:Creating Virtual Directory for a folder.

Create folder-> Store the asp/aspx file in the folder -> Right click folder->Choose Properties -> Choose WebSharing Tab -> Choose share this folder option->Give Alias name to as through the browser e.g. http:\\demo\sample.asp. So demo is the alias name of the folder ->Choose ther required permission->Press ok.

So your virtual directory will be created now.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Prinrting Word Document with table contents and charts

My Team Leader asked me to create a module which as to print the word document with the content given by the users such as polling answers, along with the charts (Bar chart, Radar Chart).

But I am not so well worst with these. Then I goggle it I learnt using COM dll we can do it.

I have tried with windows form application it worked fine. But my TL asked with web application using Asp.Net with C#. I used the same code what I used for windows application bu throughing could not open macro storage exception.

I didn't get the answers for these exception for 2 days then I tried and found I need to add "Identity impersionate" in web.config file.

So I ask you if any Query regarding COM you can always post your queries in my blog. I will be replying your query within 24hrs